Premium & Sustainable

Leading Provider of Eco-Friendly Sulfide Scavenging Solutions for Diverse Industries


What We Do:

NRET is the quality supplier of eco-friendly liquid non-regenerative sulfide scavengers. NRET is specialized in H2S and mercaptan removal in the oil & gas, pulp & paper, wastewater, landfill gas, and biogas industries with resulting by-product of biodegradable. By combining our experience, research, and development within these industries, NRET offers superior engineering, application, and chemical solutions to remove H2S.

We have a team of chemistry PhDs with oilfield service expertise to design the specialized oilfield chemical products, chemical engineers with the understanding characteristics and application of the products, and commercial and business development professionals that provide the cost saving solutions.

In 2023, NRET Technologies commercialized the innovative T-SCAV line of H2S scavengers for natural gas treatment, which has been demonstrated to be next generation of H2S scavengers, superior to triazines and has provided the world’s most effective H2S gas treating solution.

Product Details

Our series of lines of hydrogen sulfide, mercaptan and carbon dioxide scavengers used for complete gas sweetening in in natural gas, tail gas, acid gas and biogas, focus on the increase of natural gas production with safety and quality compliance to the transportation pipelines.


Our products can be effectively applied in oil and gas production, refineries, transportation of hydrocarbon via pipelines and shipping containers, storage tanks, water treatment.

Product Details